Review Protocol: Assessing the outcomes and impact of Professional doctorate programmes in health and social care on the individual, their profession, their employing organisation and wider society: A comprehensive systematic review
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This is a protocol for a Campbell systematic review. This protocol will evaluate and synthesise the empirical evidence, both qualitative and quantitative, regarding the outcomes and impact from undertaking professional doctorates from within any health and social care profession. This review’s objectives are to find out (in relation to health and / or social care): • What is known about the outcomes and impact of completing (or not completing) a professional doctorate in health and / or social care on: o the individual professional o the employing organisation? o the profession? o service users and the wider society? • How do use the findings from this review to inform educators, higher education institutions, professionals, investors in employing organisations and policy makers? • What further research will be needed to answer any knowledge gaps or recommendations • Where possible, we will identify and report on any demographic data and discuss their relevance to the impact and outcomes from professional doctorates.Citation
Chapman, H. M., McSherry, R., Bettany-Saltikov, J., Mohan, M., & Spencer, D. (2024 - forthcoming). Review Protocol: Assessing the outcomes and impact of Professional doctorate programmes in health and social care on the individual, their profession, their employing organisation and wider society: A comprehensive systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, vol(issue), pages. doiPublisher
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