Exploring suicide potential and the actualising tendency: A qualitative study of suicide notes
Aim or purpose: The aim of the research was to establish if, within person-centred theory (PCT), suicide could potentially be considered an expression of the actualising tendency (AT). Within the theoretical boundaries of the person-centred approach (PCA) the research raised questions which included the clarity of Rogers’ (1959) meaning in relation to ‘perverse and unusual conditions’ for those that may ‘…actualise their potentiality for pain or self-destruction’. Design or methodology: This research was conducted from a qualitative perspective using forms of analysis requiring interpretation by the researcher. A sample of 31 suicide notes were analysed: firstly using stanza analysis; and secondly narrative analysis. Ethical approval: This was granted by University of Chester.Citation
McGarry, A. (2020, May 16). Exploring suicide potential and the actualising tendency: A qualitative study of suicide notes [PowerPoint Presentation]. 26th Annual International BACP Research Conference, 16 May 2020, University of the West of England, BristolType
Conference ContributionDescription
This submission is a PowerPoint presentation that was delivered at a conference and is not a published conference proceeding.Sponsors
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