Evaluating current practice and proposing a system to enhance knowledge assets within a small software development unit
Knowledge management and knowledge transfer within organisations challenge continuity and resilience in the face of changing environments. While issues are principally addressed within large organisations, there is scope to evaluate how knowledge assets are managed within small and medium enterprises and to consider how the process might be enhanced. The research reported here aimed to evaluate practice within an evolving software development unit to understand how knowledge has been acquired and utilised to further organisational development. In-depth interviews were carried out with members of the unit to elicit an understanding of individual and collective learning. Qualitative analysis of the data revealed key changes in thinking and practice as well as insight into the development of individuals' contextual knowledge and tacit understanding. This analysis led to the proposal of a bespoke, lightweight web-based system to support knowledge capture and organisational learning. This work is still in progress but it is anticipated that the results will provide a potentially novel and beneficial method for enhancing knowledge assets in small enterprises and consolidating valuable, and potentially scarce, expertise.Citation
Fannoun, S., & Kerins, J. (2018, 25-27 May). Evaluating current practice and proposing a system to enhance knowledge assets within a small software development unit. 2018 4th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), Oxford, UK, pp. 236-240. https://doi.org/10.1109/INFOMAN.2018.8392842Publisher
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