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dc.contributor.authorHulbert-Williams, Nicholas J.*
dc.contributor.authorBeatty, Lisa*
dc.contributor.authorDhillon, Haryana M.*
dc.identifier.citationHulbert-Williams, N. J., Beatty, L., & Dhillon. H. (2018). Psychological support for patients with cancer: evidence review and suggestions for future research. Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care, 12(3), 276-292.en
dc.descriptionThis is a non-final version of an article published in final form in Hulbert-Williams, N. J., Beatty, L., & Dhillon. H. (2018). Psychological support for patients with cancer: evidence review and suggestions for future research. Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care, 12(3), 276-292.
dc.description.abstractPurpose of the review. Psychological distress and mental health comorbidity are common in cancer. Various therapeutic frameworks have been used for interventions to improve psychological wellbeing and quality of life in cancer patients with mixed results. This paper reviews contributions to that literature published since January 2017. Recent findings. The majority of new psychological intervention research in cancer has used Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Cognitive behavioural Therapy has been considered a gold-standard intervention and recent evidence justifies continuation of this. Recent reviews call into question the validity of evidence for Mindfulness- Based Interventions. A smaller number of trials using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Meta-Cognitive Therapy, Dignity Therapy and Coaching have emerged, and whilst findings are promising, additional fully-powered trials are required. Weaker evidence exists for counselling, support-based, and Narrative Therapy interventions. Summary. Efficacious, timely and acceptable psychological interventions are a necessary component of comprehensive cancer care. There is some way to go before the evidence conclusively points towards which interventions work for which cancer groups and for which specific outcomes. Methodological limitations must be addressed in future trials; at the forefront remains the need for fully-powered, head-to-head comparison trials.
dc.publisherLippincott, Williams & Wilkinsen
dc.subjectPsychological interventionsen
dc.subjectCognitive behavioural therapyen
dc.subjectThird-wave therapiesen
dc.titlePsychological support for patients with cancer: evidence review and suggestions for future directionsen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Chester; Flinders University; University of Sydneyen
dc.identifier.journalCurrent Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Careen
html.description.abstractPurpose of the review. Psychological distress and mental health comorbidity are common in cancer. Various therapeutic frameworks have been used for interventions to improve psychological wellbeing and quality of life in cancer patients with mixed results. This paper reviews contributions to that literature published since January 2017. Recent findings. The majority of new psychological intervention research in cancer has used Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or Mindfulness-Based Interventions. Cognitive behavioural Therapy has been considered a gold-standard intervention and recent evidence justifies continuation of this. Recent reviews call into question the validity of evidence for Mindfulness- Based Interventions. A smaller number of trials using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Meta-Cognitive Therapy, Dignity Therapy and Coaching have emerged, and whilst findings are promising, additional fully-powered trials are required. Weaker evidence exists for counselling, support-based, and Narrative Therapy interventions. Summary. Efficacious, timely and acceptable psychological interventions are a necessary component of comprehensive cancer care. There is some way to go before the evidence conclusively points towards which interventions work for which cancer groups and for which specific outcomes. Methodological limitations must be addressed in future trials; at the forefront remains the need for fully-powered, head-to-head comparison trials.

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