The ends justifies the means: A global research agenda for political marketing and public affairs
Political marketing has developed into an increasingly mainstream discipline in universities globally over the last decade. There are many schools of political marketing with different approaches, such as the North American approach, the Western and Eastern European perspectives, and the Asian position. The study and application of political marketing has been categorised with different perspectives, such as electoral, governmental, and international aspects. It is becoming increasingly evident that political marketing needs further classification like any matured and established discipline. A close analysis of political marketing practices and academic research leads one to perceive two distinct areas of political exchanges in two different markets: the intranational market and the international market.Citation
Harris, P., & Sun, H. (2017).The Ends Justifies the Means: A global research agenda for political marketing and public affairs. Journal of Public Affairs, Wiley. 17(4), e1693.Publisher
Journal of Public AffairsDOI
10.1002/pa.1693Additional Links
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Harris, P., & Sun, H. (2017). The ends justify the means: A global research agenda for political marketing and public affairs. Journal of Public Affairs, 14(4), e1693 which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.ISSN
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