Traversing social networks in the virtual dance hall: visualizing history in VR
Digital recreations of historical sites and events are important tools both for academic researchers and for public interpretation. Current 3D visualization and VR technologies enable these recreations to be increasingly immersive and engaging. This poster describes a case study based on a mid-twentieth century Chester dance hall, examining the possibilities and limitations of 3D VR for recreating a public music venue which no longer physically exists, and also for visualizing and analyzing the professional network of musicians who played there, and at many other local venues.Citation
Southall, H. V., Beever, Lee. & Butcher, P. W. S. (2017-In Press). Traversing Social Networks in the Virtual Dance Hall: visualizing history in VR. In Proceedings of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2017, Chester. New York, NY: IEEE.Publisher
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