The power of VNA-driven quasi-optics to sense group molecular action in condensed phase systems
The versatility for quasi-optical circuits, driven by modern vector network analysers, is demonstrated for the purpose of low energy (meV) coherent spectroscopy. One such example is shown applied to the curing dynamics of a non-mercury-based dental cement. This highlights the special place the methodology holds as a `soft-probe' to reveal the time-resolved energetics of condensed phased systems as they self-organise to adopt their low energy state.Citation
Donnan, R., Tian, K. V., Yang, B., & Chass, G. A. (2014, 8-10 December). The power of VNA-driven quasi-optics to sense group molecular action in condensed phase systems. Paper presented at the 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications (IMWS-Bio2014), London, UK.
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