Impedance interaction modeling and analysis for bidirectional cascaded converters
Aalborg University; Yanshan University; University of ChesterPublication Date
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For the cascaded converter system, the output impedance of source converter interacts with the input impedance of load converter, and the interaction may cause the system instability. In bidirectional applications, when the power flow is reversed, the impedance interaction also varies, which brings more uncertainty to the system stability. An investigation is performed here for showing that the forward and reverse interactions are prominently different in terms of dynamics and stability even though the cascaded converter control remains unchanged. An important guideline has been drawn for the control of the cascaded converter. That is when voltage mode converter working as the load converter; the constant power mode converter as the source converter, the system is more stable. The concluded findings have been verified by simulation and experimental results.Citation
Tian, Y., Deng, F., Chen, Z., Sun, X., & Hu, Y. (2015, 1-5 June). Impedance interaction modeling and analysis for bidirectional cascaded converters. 2015 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-ECCE Asia).
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