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dc.contributor.advisorMorris, Mikeen_GB
dc.contributor.advisorFallows, Stephenen_GB
dc.contributor.authorQuinn, Frances*
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation explored the experiences of polio surviors with weight control to determine if it was a particular issue for this group and to assess what invertentions are used, how limited mobility has been taken into account, and what factors contribute to success or difficulty. A questionnaire was advertised on the British Polio website and in its member magazine. A thematic analysis was used on the responses to open questions. 141 replies were obtained. The age polio contraction age and physical disability level matched that published from the UK epidemics. These were divided into lifetime weight managers, active weight managers and weight gainers for analysis. Eleven themes emerged on feeling around weight and success and difficulties on weight control. These showed that weight control is an issue for polio survivors and is strongly linked to mobility. Successful methods used were similar to general population studies. Issues emerged on the dietary strictness observed, the beliefs on ability to exercise and the support available from professionals. Polio survivors are concerned about weight control, most because of its effect on mobility. Some are at risk of nutritional inadequacy. The beliefs about exercise need to explored in more depth due to the impact on health. The use of BMI risk threshold may not be relevant for this group.
dc.publisherUniversity of Chesteren
dc.titleExperiences and evaluation of weight control approaches among polio survivorsen_GB
dc.typeThesis or dissertationen
dc.type.qualificationlevelMasters Degreeen
html.description.abstractThis dissertation explored the experiences of polio surviors with weight control to determine if it was a particular issue for this group and to assess what invertentions are used, how limited mobility has been taken into account, and what factors contribute to success or difficulty. A questionnaire was advertised on the British Polio website and in its member magazine. A thematic analysis was used on the responses to open questions. 141 replies were obtained. The age polio contraction age and physical disability level matched that published from the UK epidemics. These were divided into lifetime weight managers, active weight managers and weight gainers for analysis. Eleven themes emerged on feeling around weight and success and difficulties on weight control. These showed that weight control is an issue for polio survivors and is strongly linked to mobility. Successful methods used were similar to general population studies. Issues emerged on the dietary strictness observed, the beliefs on ability to exercise and the support available from professionals. Polio survivors are concerned about weight control, most because of its effect on mobility. Some are at risk of nutritional inadequacy. The beliefs about exercise need to explored in more depth due to the impact on health. The use of BMI risk threshold may not be relevant for this group.

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