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dc.contributor.authorSkellern, Joanne*
dc.contributor.authorLovell, Andy*
dc.identifier.citationChester: University of Chester Press, 2013
dc.descriptionThis book is not available through ChesterRep.
dc.description.abstractViolence in health and social care settings is now recognised as a major international concern. Training in the recognition and management of potentially violent situations can assist to prevent situations escalating to the point where violence occurs. This training resource pack contains: • A DVD of 25 simulated scenarios • A training manual on how to use the DVD which also includes a ‘notes for trainers’ section The aim is to provide you with the materials needed to: • Create a forum where violence can be discussed • Encourage reflection on your own and colleagues responses to threatening situations • Facilitate assessment of potentially violent or threatening situations • Enable you and your colleagues to plan for adverse situations • Encourage a review of practices in relation to National and local policies and procedures This training resource package can provide a welcome contribution to induction and training programmes for individuals, managers and trainers working within organisations providing a range of health and social care services.
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Chester
dc.publisherUniversity of Chester Pressen_GB
dc.subjectviolence in workplaceen_GB
dc.subjecthealthcare professionalen_GB
dc.subjectsocial careen_GB
dc.subjectservice provisionen_GB
dc.titleViolence in health and social care settings: A training resource package for organisations and individualsen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Chester
html.description.abstractViolence in health and social care settings is now recognised as a major international concern. Training in the recognition and management of potentially violent situations can assist to prevent situations escalating to the point where violence occurs. This training resource pack contains: • A DVD of 25 simulated scenarios • A training manual on how to use the DVD which also includes a ‘notes for trainers’ section The aim is to provide you with the materials needed to: • Create a forum where violence can be discussed • Encourage reflection on your own and colleagues responses to threatening situations • Facilitate assessment of potentially violent or threatening situations • Enable you and your colleagues to plan for adverse situations • Encourage a review of practices in relation to National and local policies and procedures This training resource package can provide a welcome contribution to induction and training programmes for individuals, managers and trainers working within organisations providing a range of health and social care services.

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