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dc.contributor.authorGaunt, Peter*
dc.identifier.citationGaunt, P. (Ed.). The correspondence of Henry Cromwell, 1655–1659. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008en_GB
dc.descriptionThis book is not available through ChesterRep.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis edited volume of Henry Cromwell's correspondence includes an introductory chapter which outlines his life and career, explores his handling of Ireland, and highlights the principal and varied Irish and English issues covered within his correspondence. The majority of the letters cover the period between the summer of 1655 to spring 1659 when he governed Ireland for the Lord Protector, his father Oliver Cromwell, and his elder brother, Richard Cromwell.
dc.description.sponsorshipThis book was submitted to the RAE2008 for the University of Chester - History.en_GB
dc.publisherCambridge University Pressen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesCamden fifth seriesen_GB
dc.subjectHenry Cromwellen_GB
dc.titleThe correspondence of Henry Cromwell, 1655–1659en
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Chesteren_GB
html.description.abstractThis edited volume of Henry Cromwell's correspondence includes an introductory chapter which outlines his life and career, explores his handling of Ireland, and highlights the principal and varied Irish and English issues covered within his correspondence. The majority of the letters cover the period between the summer of 1655 to spring 1659 when he governed Ireland for the Lord Protector, his father Oliver Cromwell, and his elder brother, Richard Cromwell.

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